Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ScReAm AlReAdY!!!!!

aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! just needed to scream already.. I am so frustrated!!!! It's only the second week of the summer semester.. and they have changed soooo much at school.. I am not sure that I like or can keep up with all the changes.. first of all our main instructor over nights is leaving us for Canyon School District after 19 years.. not sure why she would want to go back to the high school students.. I would personally go crazy!!! Then we took on all the Granite School District high school teachers for our instructors.. they treat us like we are 5.. hello.. we are in college.. I do understand it will take them some time to adjust too.. but seriously?? Then all of my friends are either taking the summer off of school, or just not coming back :(


Then they changed the way that we are doing our punches (passing off stuff at night) we used to just have this board, and we would do them when we had time.. well they changed all of that.. they are wanting us to get 4 punches every single night, plus do client's hair that comes in.. at least the client's count as punches.. the problem is all the new instructors have no idea how the new program works.. that we are busy the whole time, and they are only giving us half of the punches... aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

So for the first time in my life I have had a 4.0 GPA.. and this semester I think I am going to lose it.. plus our theory teacher Rayma is on over kill with a whole new text book.. yes.. new text and work book.. we haven't even had the other text and work book for a year, and the college already changed on us.. so that was another hidden $135 that I had to come up with for books.. books that same pratically the same thing as the other book.. and we are told not to sell the original books that we purchased, because in 6 months the school may be enticed to switch back... oh how conveinant for them.. what the crap???? I am just so overwhelmed with school and work sometimes... Am I the only one that ever wonders what the crap am I doing??? why can't I just be happy with an ordinary boring go to work and come home kind of a life???? I love school don't get me wrong.. I am just frustrated with the changes.. I am getting awarded tomorrow for selling the second most products last semester.. yeah!!! So I am getting a prize.. and brought up infront of everyone.. yikes.. can we say stage fright again???

That reminds me of my embarassing moment in the crash course that I took.. not sure if I blogged about it yet.. but just in case here goes.. so we had to do mock job interviews in front of the whole class (30 students and one crazy Scottish teacher) all staring at you.. well we had to be fake interviewed and then give an interview.. I was mortified.. I do not like large crowds, especially just sitting and staring at me making a fool of myself.. I literally cried the night before.. and didn't sleep well do to the anxiety.. so anyways the start the interviewing and well the chair that the interviewer would sit in at the front of the class was broke.. so as you were sitting there asking questions it would just keep dropping another inch again and again.. so basically you were the shrinking interviewer.. not so bad.. we got out all the giggles and we all knew what to expect by this time.. so I did my interview... was mortified.. and then it was my turn to be the interviewer and sit in the dumb shrinking chair.. well I was sitting there asking the girl questions.. needless to say that I wasn't even listening to her answers as I was so embarassed.. by being in front of class, and just finishing my interview.. so there I am sitting, and shrinking to make the matter worse.. the chair decided to start making a farting noise every time is shrunk another inch over, and over, and over again.. not only that but the girl I was mock interviewing decided to call me out on the chair by saying "Excuse you" right in the middle of the interview.. thinking it was just me letting them rip one right after another.. I wanted to die, to just slide off the stupid shrinking farting chair, and die.. I swear I know what it feels like to have ALL your blood sitting in your face, and it feels like fire.. only me did this happen to with the chair.. only me!!

Well I hope who ever reads this was able to get a good laugh out of it.. I know that all of the 30 students and the crazy scottish teacher did.. that's for sure.

Well I better be getting off to bed.. Need more sleep..

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